We had a good visit in Plano, Texas. My DH's brother and his family and his Mother live there. It was my very first visit to any part of Texas, and we were amused by the traffic lights...they line up sideways! OK, maybe you more experienced travelers have already seen this phenomenon. Well, it tickled us and I had to take a pic!

We didn't see many cowboys in Plano when we were there, but I got pretty excited when a real live rancher parked his truck by us in the Shepler's Western Wear parking lot. He even had spurs on his boots! And he was real nice. When I jumped out of the car and announced that I was a California tourist and could I please take a picture of his spurs?...he was gracious and showed me how they even had his initials on them. What a gentleman! OK, he may have started shaking his head over the crazy California woman when he got out of eyesight, but around me he was the model of good manners~

Here's the cute little boy that my brother-in-law is fostering...everyone say "Awwwwww". He's been with them for many months. His grandmother is working on getting him back and we are praying that it will work out well for the little guy.

Here's a pic of me doing something that was frustrating. I lost my cellphone on the first flight. I took it out to turn it off, and then I guess I just didn't put it into my bag properly. Anyway, I learned that it's almost impossible to get a human when you try to reach lost and found, and when you finally get a human, they really can't do much for you. I spent at least 45 frustrating minutes in Voice Mail Purgatory....United Airlines is not getting high marks from me for customer service....oh well! We did get there and back safely, and that's the most important thing.
I'm off doing loads and loads of laundry today. Went grocery shopping. Made earrings for Sue at work. Wish I had lots more days to play~
May you all glide through your week. May He guide and protect you all! In Jesus' holy name I pray~~