A new necklace and earrings for the gallery!! I spent most of Saturday in my jammies working hard on these pieces. Very happy~ Peridot, Citrine, Amethyst, Copper, Silver~~
And on another note.......
I read a great quote in the Feb. 09 Ladies' Home Journal in an article by Margaret Renkl titled "Find Your Happy Place"
"One of the best ways to keep negativity at bay is to skip the venting, says Rick Foster, coauthor of "How We Choose To Be Happy". You may think that complaining to friends and family about your unreasonable mother-in-law or your overdue bills will help relieve the pressure you feel. In fact, says Foster, all you're doing is digging yourself a really deep trench of dispair. "If you keep on reliving the feeling, you're trapping yourself in the negativity."
I LOVE this quote. Now if I can just LIVE this quote. I tend to vent. Over and over. And I need to realize that it's not making me happy~~ So onto dealing better with frustration!
May your week be blessed. May you feel His guidance and love. Amen!