Sunday, September 18, 2011

Stephanie Lee Class!!!!

Next Sunday, one week from today, I'll take a class with one of my very favorite artists, Stephanie Lee !
 Art Is You West Coast will be held only 45 minutes from my home.  When I heard that Stephanie was going to be teaching, I asked my DH for my birthday/Christmas present in this one class:  Pipe Dreams .  It's something totally different than I ever create, which I hope will expand my skills a bit and make me more comfortable with my little torch.  The biggest part is getting to meet Stephanie!  I've been following her blog for a few years and I've dog-eared her book, "Semiprecious Salvage".  I'm so excited, so jazzed~~Trying to gather all of the necessary items for the class.  Making sure I pack gluten-free-sugar-free snacks (walnuts and organic raisins, anyone? lol)
In between I'm trying to clear off my workbench~~it's out of control!

So,  Monday's coming.  May you all have a blessed week.  May all challenges be met calmly and all joys treasured deep in your heart.

1 comment:

In the Light of the Moon said...

Congrats Congrats to you!! I am soooo happy for you..taking her class opened up a world of possibility for me!!!I will never forget it and I just know you will feel the same!!!Blessings on this journey for you and try not to be to star struck when you meet her..I had trouble closing my mouth,I think I may have scared her a bit... turns out she's super sweet too!!Hugs friend,Cat