My head is empty~~~but my heart is full! Some of my work is being shown at Studio 41and I'm thrilled to be included in this lovely gallery~~~The necklace above is one of the pieces that's there on consignment.
My head is really empty! Can't think of any clever blog-quality thoughts or musings. I do love and appreciate my blog friends. I am so enriched by your thoughts, comments and love!
May this week be productive and encouraging. May all who are facing challenges feel His strength and love...bless you all!
Well congrats my friend...... Well deserved!!!!!!!! So just breathe!!! THEN seeing as how your mind is empty........ and if you BREATHE........ I can call you air head!
hahahhahah you know I love you!
I still love this necklace and it's the title of my favorite song!
You have a surprise over at my blog, so go get it! You deserve it!
Well done! The necklace is beautiful,Chris. Congratulations on showing at the studio. I must admit my head has been kind of empty as well. I just feel kind of mellow and don't have any thoughts so I haven't been blogging much. Must have something to do with the seasons changing.
NO NO the Chris Kerr I know is not an empty head!!( you are one rockin' intelligent/smart and savvy gal!) Chris K. is just "being in the moment" with her love of life and the Lord Jesus and sharing it with all of us! :)also sharing her beautiful jewelry pieces too! I love this song too...(how did ya know that???):) :) go on ahead and be that air head...we love ya girl!
Chris~this is so beautiful. I love the words, and the riviting you used. Your work is always so clean and precise~takes steady hands and a clear head to do that kind of work. So there you go~a great excuse*LOL*
I do thank you for all your prayers, and love. I will always feel much gratitude when I think on my friends in the west~
As with all your other precious is beautiful! I wish I could be there to share in a cup of something...or right now...a diet coke would be nice!
I am stuffed to the max with food...and resting....just a bit from over activity this weekend!
You don't have to think of a single clever thing...just go outside...look up at the sky---and thank Him for your awesome talent...that touches SO MANY hearts and lives! I love you and appreciate you so much!
I need you to help me welcome a sweet friend...who I just discovered also enjoys making jewelry! Her name is Jensmere over at count it all joy! you have something in common already...your pages are similar! She has JUST started blogging and we go to the same church!
Thank you in advance for a big California Welcome!
Where are you?
Hey Chris. Haven't heard from you in a while and I just wanted to check on you, and see if you are alright.
I hope everything is okay.
Love ya~
Just checking on you!
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