Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Off to Spain!

We're leaving on a jet plane!! Tomorrow~~first to London, then to Spain. Back home May 12. If I can, I'll blog from Spain.

Sorry I've been so quiet~~my bum wrist won't allow much typing.

I love you all and wish you a peaceful blessed time while I'm gone....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Health Adventures

Scarey picture, eh? This is me recuperating from radioactive iodine treatment. I've had Grave's disease~hyperthyroid~for 4 and a half years. I took two different types of medicine over that time, but it never improved. As a result of the treatment, I am radioactive and must sleep by myself and stay at least 7 feet away from everyone. I'm living in the master bedroom and adjoining bathroom and my DH is sleeping in the guest room~

I hurt my right wrist's tendons 3 weeks ago and am on light duty at work....I feel like I'm letting them down! And it's taking forever to heal~

Soooo I asked my endocrinologist if I could have the radioactive iodine treatment now instead of after our Spain trip April 29. I'm hoping the time off will rest my wrist more...and I will be cutting down on my computer time to rest my wrist even more. Unless I can do everything with my left wrist! LOL! Not happening!

So may you all be blessed and happy this week. And if you are not blessed and happy, may you feel His comfort cradling you in peace.

Love you!!!!