You can see what a big help she is. Lots of times I'll return to my bench and have to pick up chain (her favorite) or beads off of the floor. I believe that the extra exercise and leaning forward introduces more blood to my brain and helps me to create!! Am I lucky or what?
God bless you all today, Wednesday, the middle of the week~~~
Cats are so crazy! LOL
It so cool to get to see where the magic happens. Neat workspace you've got there!
I can't seem to get motivated now that that mine is so neat and organized. I guess I'm going to have to make it messy so I can work! LOL
A radio will probably help! I have to put one in there!
Hey...Button looks my kitty Felix! He's a beautiful orange tabby, too! Felix likes to bat at the bobbing wire when I am coiling and it is sticking out the side, and also likes to knock beads off my table. I'm sure he thinks he is helping!
Sweet furry helper! Ask her what I'd like to see you make suppose she knows????
Does Bea do the Laundry? If so send her my way, I often think if I had someone to do all of the laundry that this household produces I would be able to handle everything else!
You have more patience than I do my friend, but then she is your baby...and that makes all the difference in the world! =)
Are you funny or what? hahahhah
With all that help around your work bench you should take a CAT nap! Ohhhhhhhh ok ...My Bad!
What a sweet kitty! Our furbabies really do want to help. :)
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